Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Gwynnie Bee

Have you ever heard of Gwynnie Bee? Yeah -- I hadn't either.  Let me give you the scoop!

I would say that Gwynnie Bee (GB) is single-handedly responsible for me becoming the fashionista
that I am now.  I have best heard GB described as "Netflix for Clothes".  The concept is simple, Plus
Size Clothing Rental (sizes 10 and up) . I first saw the add on facebook,  it said that one of my friends like the page.  So, I clicked on it to see what this was all about.  Upon further investigation it became clear to me that this was something I had to try! 

The sign-up process was easy, then behold -- tons and tons of amazing clothes right there in front of me! In my size!  All I had to do was go through their extensive online catalog and "closet" the things I wanted to try! That's it!  Then I sit back and wait.  Now,  there are several different plans you can choose from,  I started out small,  optimistic that this was gonna be oh-so-fun! They have plans that start at $59 per month.  This service allows you to have a large, exciting online closet to drool over.  As items come back to their warehouse that you have requested in your size, they will send a shipment to you.  You wear the clothes, then throw them back in the blue bag that came with your shipment, and drop it off at a Mail Drop Box.  That's it.  NO LAUNDRY!!!!! Hallelujah! Have I ever mentioned I despise laundry?

There is also an amazing group of ladies I have met online thanks to this great company!  We chat daily and build each other up, giving and receiving advise on everything from whether to put a belt on a dress, to more personal family problems.  These women are amazing!

So,  in short, I thank GB for introducing me to amazing brands of clothing I had no clue existed before, and to the ladies of GB for encouraging the fasionista side of me to full blossom!

If I have you intrigued enough,  click here to check it out:   http://goo.gl/XFoVsR

I recently had the pleasure of doing a photo shoot for GB,  and had so much fun!  They should be publishing it before too long!   In the mean time here is a sneak peak from my shoot:

My hair and makeup was done by:
Hey Lovely Makeup

Photography was by:

Michelle Able Photography

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to reading and seeing what you are doing fashionwise. Thank you for sharing!
