Monday, September 14, 2015

Happy Monday!

Hey There!  Sorry for the almost week between posting!

With the combination of staying dark later in the mornings, and leaving earlier for work in the mornings
it has been impossible to get good outfit photos!  So,  my apologies, but you are going to have to make due with bathroom selfies for a little while ;-)

Everything with the house is right on schedule!  I have a cleaner coming in Thursday to give the house a full scrub-down, and then on to closing on Friday!  I'm so excited!  I will miss the house,  it was a great first house.  But being out in the country again has been so amazing--so refreshing!

Sunday Daniel got to spend time tinkering on vehicles which he really enjoyed, and I got to spend more time with my horses than I have in a long time.  I have so missed the country life!

Here are some of the highlights of my OOTDs from last week:

Thursday of last week,  Luci Lu shift dress I bought out of the Gwynnie Bee Shop a while back.  Love the colors,  but it's a tad bit shorter than I remembered it being! Lol

Friday of last week,  Kiyonna top I bought from a resale group I'm in,  wore it with jeans, and cute black flats.

Today's OOTD, I'm wearing a black Kiyonna pencil skirt, and a sheer(ish) top I got from Thredup
( <-- link to get a free $20 off your first order!

Here are a few of my favorite FOTDs,  I don't remember the products used each day though :-(

And now for a couple pics from my weekend!

Xena was a sleepy girl on Sunday Morning:

Doc's Cherry Blossom (Blossom for short):

Ima Slow Sweet Dream (Bunny):

That's all for now,  maybe next time I write I will be officially homeless ;-)


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