little bit about me you find on the front page.
I'm Paddee -- It's a younique spelling that as I have gotten older I have learned to appreciate. It's a family name, I'm actually the 3rd "Paddee" in my family. My great Aunt Paddee started the trend. She didn't like her birth name at all, and while doing research on our family tree she discovered that there is a good deal of Irish blood in us. She also discovered in her research that "Paddee" is the proper Irish spelling of the feminine for "Patrick". She really liked the spelling and the history behind it and so she legally changed her name. The second "Paddee" is my Aunt Paddee (my mother's sister) and now me!
I was born in Austin Texas in the summer of 1990. I was raised an only child, it wasn't until later in life that I discovered I actually have an older sister :-) Our house in Austin was modest, but I had an amazing backyard that I grew up playing in. We lived in Austin until fall of 2001. Earlier in the year my parents inherited my dad's family farm in Waller Texas. That fall my dad got laid off from his job, so since the farm was completely paid for, we move! I couldn't have been happier...... Well..... I kept asking my parents for a horse, and their answer remained the same "honey-- we would love for you to have a horse, but we just
can't afford it right now". Fast forward to winter 2004 / 2005 and I had saved my money and I bought my own horse --- Flag. Flag is my baby boy, he was born in 2003 to one of my good friends at the time. From the minute he was born I knew he was my boy.
Since then, I have acquired now a total of 13 horses and a donkey (Hehaw)

I will introduce you to my other horses in another post.
I spent a few years breaking in young horses, and enjoyed it. But as I got older I realized
the importance of a stable job, and things like health insurance. In December of 2008 I got a job working for a company called Intertec. I was the receptionist -- and it was just going to be a temporary job. When I started working here I had a boyfriend, I had a plan. Little did I know that it was all going to change.
When I started at Intertec everyone told me to stay away from Daniel. Daniel was a shop worker at that time. Everyone said he wasn't my kinda guy. He had a newborn baby boy, and he just wasn't the type of guy that you marry and settled down with. To be honest, I was ok with this. I mean, like I mentioned before I had a boyfriend. I was only going to be working at Intertec for a short while, and then I was moving out of state and would never see anyone from Intertec again. Well, by February it was getting close to when I was supposed to move, and I was starting to second guess everything I had previously had so firmly set in my mind. The weekend before Valentines I broke up with my boyfriend. (I know -- really shitty timing, but I just couldn't do it anymore).
Since probably around the beginning of January Daniel had been asking me to let him take me out on a date. Once I broke up with my boyfriend I figured what the heck. What's going on one date going to do? So Valentines night we went to the Valentines dinner together at my parents church. Our next date was about a week later I think -- we went to the movie theater to see Paul Blart - Mall Cop. After that he drove me all the way back out to my parents farm.
It's pretty humorous now thinking back. I didn't have the intention of anything happening there. But we ended up getting serious. September of 2013 (after dating for 5 years) we went on a cruise to the Bahamas where Daniel proposed to me on a private island! Of coarse I said yes!
We have now been happily married for almost a year, and are planning a cruise for our 1 year anniversary this October!
We have some great plans for the future, I'm excited to share them with you as we go along!
We are selling our house, closing in September, and temporarily moving in with my parents while
our next house is being built on my parents land! I'm so excited to leave the city life behind again and be back out in the country!
Remember that new born baby of Daniel's I mentioned earlier? Well he is now a super cute just turned
7 year old! Aidan is so much like his father it's a little scary! Being a Step-Mom is one of the most challenging things I have ever done before, but its so rewarding. I recently saw something on the internet that struck so true with me "I may not have given you the gift of life, but life gave me the gift of you".
I love my little man with all my heart <3
Now, a little about our 4 legged children and I will be done for now :-)
Milo I got 2 years ago now from one of my dear friends who had had Milo since he was a little bitty kitten. She discovered her son had a sever allergy to cat dander, so she had to get Milo a new home.
Milo is the biggest, goofiest love bug you will ever meet. This cat has an obsession with bubble wrap, cardboard boxes, plastic grocery bags, and drinking out of the faucet. If you ignore him when he wants attention he will "bap" you with his paw to get your attention.
Melanie I got from the SPCA about 2 months after we got Milo. She was super shy, but I fell in love with her coloration. She has since decided that being pet and loved on is pretty alright. If you ignore her she will sit and loudly "meow" to let you know that your ignoring her. But DON'T pick her up. Her feet leave the floor/table/counter and she panics. She sleeps all day, and gets very little food (her vet has her on a strict diet) yet she remains a chubby little thing.
Lastly, Xena. Our Dorkie puppy! She was an accident. My cousin's Yorkie got bred by their male Dachshund, and out came some Dorkie puppies! She will be a year old September 2nd! This little thing is the most loving and affectionate thing. She loves to cuddle, and she insists on sleeping in bed with us, under the covers. She is such a character! She and Milo love playing together while Melanie Refs.
So that's me, and my family, and my background! I look forward to putting more thoughts down, and sharing more with you! Thanks for stopping by!