Thursday, May 12, 2016

Picture Overload!!!!!

Hey Guys!!!!!!  I know, I know...... 5 months since my last post is ridiculous, and I'm sorry!  Life has been whirling and spinning and I honestly do not know where the last 5 months have gone. So. Today's post will be to update you a bit, and of coarse, share lots and lots of pictures!

I really don't have a lot of outfit pictures in this post,  I haven't gotten a full length mirror yet and most mornings I'm scrambling out the door and don't have time to set up my timer on my phone for a posed photo.  I'll try and get better about that ;-)

This post will mainly be a catch-up on life in general, lots of cool makeup pics (since I have found a lot of cool new products, and learned some new techniques) and of course my babies.

So,  what all has happened since my last post.

-We are in our home,  and have been now for 6 months (crazy, right??)  Still working on some minor decorating (mainly guest room left) and organizing (mainly office left).

-We adopted (2) more dogs to our family.  Bing and Ube are older Schipperkes who belonged to a good friend for most of their lives.  This friend moved out of the country and couldn't take the boys with him,  so they came to live with us!  They love spending time outside in our fully fenced backyard sunning themselves, barking at the horses and barn cats, or just watching the world go by. They enjoy coming inside to curl up and relax with chews a plenty.



-We also adopted a 3rd house cat (don't look at me like that.....  Cat's are easy!)  This is June Bug,  birthday is February 2, 2016.  She is a little bundle of energy that Xena promptly claimed as her baby. Junie has livened up our other two kitties, and is the life of the party.

-I'm again breeding my horses,  so far I have 2 confirmed in foal and am trying for a 3rd.

Mattie (Skippin On Deuce) will be my first to go,  she is due January 20th and I'm so excited!!!

Dolly (Doxsinsationalsox) will be my 2nd to go -- she is due February 6th.  Dolly is bred to my black AQHA Stallion,  Classic Lights Out.  This will be my stallion's first foal -- I can't wait to see what these two produce.

-The kiddo (2 legged)  got a 4 wheeler for Christmas, so he has spent a lot of time outside zipping around the farm on it.  Here his is proudly showing off his muddiness after the most recent rain storm we had (shower was taken immediately after):

-Is it sad that in 5 months I only have one Outfit pic to show you??  I know....  It really is.  I have on my to-do list another trip to Ikea to pick out a new full length mirror.  I found several I liked the last time Hubby and I were there,  but they were out of the one I really liked.  I want one that we can hang on the back of a door,  but I want it big enough to take up most of the door.....  I'm leaning towards this one,  but need to go look again just to be sure!

---> Here is my one, lonely OOTD picture. I was pretty happy with this outfit!

-OK,  Here are the multitude of FOTD pics I have.  I have recently developed an obsession with Beauty Bakerie "Brownies" -- for eyebrows,  NYX glitter for use over otherwise boring eye shadows, Tarte Rainforst liquid foundation, and a vast assortment of liquid lippies including, but not limited to, ABH, NYX, Colour Pop & Black Moon Cosmetics.  If you have any questions about products used in any of these,  drop me a comment and I'll answer you!

***And lastly,  a final Country Girl Selfie,  complete with Photo-bomber -- Tender!

That's all for now!!!!  Take care, and I'll be talking to you soon!