Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Happy New Year!!!!

Happy Yew Year!


I know it’s been forever since I have put up a new post,  so let me spend a little bit catching you up to speed.


Our house was finally completed, and delivered to us the week of Thanksgiving.  Set up took a bit longer, so we were finally able to move in on December 5th.  Now,  a month later, our house if 95% of the way unpacked.  We are settling in, and loving every minute.  Let me share a few of the highlights of our new house;

Coming Down The Driveway:

Kitchen Island:

Kitchen Décor:

Saying Over Dining Table:

Entry Way:

Master Shower,  Dual Rainfall Showerheads:

Master Bath (from shower):


Master Bedroom:

Our "Guest Book"  from our wedding,  framed and hung on each side
of the master bed:


On the animal front,  all the babies are doing well.  The vet officially stated that Melanie is obese and needs

An intervention.  She is currently on a “healthy weight“ food,  but if she doesn’t start loosing she will be going onto prescription diet food.  Poor kitty. 

Melanie,  lounging on the new bench in our mud room:

Melanie being very skeptical about me taking a bath:

Milo got a sore on one of his back legs that the vet had to clean up.  We think it was from him picking at the site where he got his yearly shots.  That resulted in a few stitches, and wearing the cone of shame for two weeks.  Now stitches are out,  cone is off,  and he is back to his precocious self ;-)

Xena continues to be the spoiled princess – not much has changed there. 

Casper and Zoey are the purrrfect (see what I did there) barn kitties.  They are out mousing on a regular basis, and I’m shocked at the size of some of the rodents they have taken out.




On the life-front,  Daniel took a new job working for a company right down the road from mine.  He is loving it so far, and is being challenged daily.  This has provided a few changes in personal life.  We still carpool much of the time,  however there are getting to be more requirements for us to drive separately from time to time.   There is also more travel for him with this position.  That allows him the chance to escape monotonous office life for a week or so at a time, and allows me the chance to catch up on my girly shows without having to put him through the torture ;-)

I’m loving living out in the country again.  It’s so very nice to be able to walk out the door and play with my horses any time I want to! Plus,  with sunsets like this.............


I have so many OOTD and FOTD pics saved up from the last few months,  that it’s hard to condense this down, and post only a few favorites:



I recently tried the new Glamglow mask  "Gravitymud"  and I'm in love! It feels amazing,  looks cool,  and peels off when your done!  What's not to love??



That’s all for now folks!  I’m going to try and be better about keeping up with posting,  maybe now that we are settled into our new place it will allow for more frequent posts!


That’s all for now!