Wednesday, November 9, 2016

November 9, 2016

Last night was a night that will be remembered for a very long time. This election is one that was highly controversial, and in the weeks and months leading up to the election my social media streams have been decidedly split. Some are whole heartedly behind our now President Elect. Others backed Mrs. Clinton fully.  And then, you have those of us, who could not bring ourselves to vote for one or the other, and instead elected for a 3rd party candidate as the person we felt most right voting for.

In the past days, weeks and months each side has gotten increasingly more heated. It has felt like the supporters for each side would grow more vial in the things stated, and published, trying to demean the other candidate. My social media feed has been a complete war zone. I thought last night would end that. How sadly mistaken I was.

Today the anger, rage, hatred is so much stronger. I have seen many posts about being disappointing in America, that they can't understand how people were so blinded, and some have even used the word stupid, as to put the President Elect in the position he now is. And I have seen an equal number of posts from the supporters of the President Elect in retaliation.

I have kept myself out of the political debates. I know my thoughts, and feelings and voted for the person I thought would best serve our Country.  Truth be told, my choice candidate was knocked out in the Primary Election, and I had to change my stance and pick someone else in the Presidential Election.  My candidate did not win, and I did not expect him to. However, I exercised my right to vote and make my voice heard. I did not vote for the person I did to keep someone else out of the White House. I did not vote for the person I did out of hatred, or ill-intentions towards anyone who did not vote for the same person. I voted. I voted for someone who I felt in my heart I could stand behind. I voted for someone that I wouldn't be ashamed to admit I voted for. I voted for Johnson.

Now, I am disappointed, greatly saddened, and even slightly embarrassed to admit that America is my Country.  Not because of the outcome of this historic election. But instead because of the behavior of the citizens. I understand that your candidate may not have won. Mine didn't either. But it's time to move on. The vote has been conducted in the same manor as it has for many years prior, and it's not the time to complain about the antiquated way of doing things. If you look at the numbers, they are actually very interesting in this race. There are a mere 200,000 popular votes separating the two main party candidates, and considerably less popular votes cast in this election than in 2012. America has been split almost entirely into two groups of people.

Now is the time America. Now, we pick up our lives, we move on, and for the love of all things good - start being decent human beings again.  Let's work together to make our Country great again. Make it better than it's ever been. Let's stop tearing each other down, and start instead looking at our daily life. What can we do to make the world a better place. Let's focus on the things we can change. The homeless guy on the street corner - give him a meal. You see someone broken down on the side of the road - Stop and offer assistance. The stranger walking past you on the street, looking sad or tired - Offer them a simple smile, instead of diverting your gaze.

I will leave you with this:

Romans 13:1
Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

I may not know why the President Elect is where he is, but I believe in my heart that he is there for a reason. He is to be respected, whether I agree with him or not.

'Till next time,

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Long Time, No Post........

Hey Guys,  guess what?!?

This last weekend was Labor Day weekend (no-duh, right?) well!  That marks the one year mark since my husband and I moved to the country!

I can't believe it's been a year since our big move!

The morning drives in to work, while yes, there is added mileage -- honestly doesn't take much more time than my drive did while living in "the city". The main difference is that the first bit of my drive leaving in the mornings, and my last bit of the drive coming home is through some of the most gorgeous scenery.  I love driving through the country side first thing in the mornings, while the animals are still waking up.  Sometime there is a light fog lingering in the air as the sun peaks up over the horizon.  Then coming home in the evenings, its a nice way to decompress after a long day at work.  Driving home, with the radio cranked up, and soon - very soon - windows rolled down to let the pleasant (ok, so maybe next month once it cools down a little more) evening air in.

This year is flying by. I honestly do not have a clue where 2016 has gone.  It feels like we were just welcoming in the new year in our brand new house. Like Spring Break adventures were on us. Like July (the month we have my bonus son) was here, and now here we are in September.

September 12th 2016, marks 3 years since my husband proposed.  We were on vacation,  taking my first ever cruise.  Our cruise left out of Galveston a few days prior.  We had already stopped off in the Florida Keys.  Now, we were headed on to the Bahamas.  We had an excursion on a private island -- plenty of space to wander and check everything out.  The sand and water was gorgeous, like no place I had ever been before.  We found a private spot on one of the secluded beaches and settled in to relax for a bit before our swim with the dolphins was scheduled for. That is where he popped the question.  One of the best days of my life, and how crazy is it to think that was 3 years ago now!

This October 18th marks our 2nd year wedding anniversary.  We have had a lot of large and unplanned expenses pop up this year (we will leave the reason un-mentioned - but positive thoughts, prayers and vibes would be much appreciated) so we don't have a big anniversary trip planned.  We are, however, taking a couple days off work and having a little stay-cation.  We are going to spend a couple nights at a local hotel and spa,  and get our relaxation and pampering on.  I'm really looking forward to it,  though I'm already putting thought into what our 3 year trip should be. I'm thinking big, like Paris. Or maybe a relocation cruise. Or Maybe a trip to New Zealand.  Idk......  but the planning and dreaming sure is fun!

Life has fallen into a pretty steady rhythm. Days, Weeks, and Months come and go.  We go to work, we come home and do chores, eat dinner, relax, sleep, then get up and do it all again.

With each passing month,  we are getting closer to my 2017 foals hitting the ground.  This is my first crop of foals in years. I have 2 precious little ones cooking currently.  The first will be due January 20th, and the 2nd close behind on February 6th.  These are the two expectant mothers:

In case you are wondering,  both mares are wearing fly masks.  The reason for this is they both have a lot of white skin on their faces.  Being outside in the summer, they will sunburn.  Instead of trying to keep up with applying sunscreen to all the susceptible white (which, yes, you can use human sunscreen on animals) the fly masks provide a much easier solution. They shield the delicate white skin from the sun,  thus preventing burning.  There are small holes in the fabric of the masks that the horses can see out of - so the mask is in no way hurting, or causing ill affects to the horse.

So -  On to the Fashionista side of my blog ;-)

For my birthday, my hubby got me an awesome full length mirror.  Ever since then,  I have been looking for the perfect light to use with it so my selfies/OOTD pics have the right amount of light.  I have found the perfect light - but haven't bought it yet.  Soon!  When I do,  I can return to posting my OOTD pics again.  I have managed to snap a few,  so here you go - a few of my recent favorites!

I know it doesn't seem like it,  but I recently went through and did a major closet clean out.  I got rid of a bunch of stuff that I haven't touched in forever.  It was very exhilarating to finally de-cluttered a bit.  That said,  of course I had to bring in a few new staple pieces for my wardrobe.  I have become a HUGE Lularoe fan (no -- I don't sell,  I'm just sharing a brand I have fallen majorly in love with) and you will (if you are familiar with the brand) I'm sure spot a few of their staple pieces in the above photos.   I'm also really liking some of Target's new plus sized line of clothing.

Now,  makeup.  Can we take a slight moment of silence for the wonderful progression my eyebrows have seen over the last couple years?  I mean -- what was I thinking???

Thank goodness I finally got those  puppies whipped into shape! LOL

Now,  for a few of my most recent favorite FOTD pics.  You will see a lot of varying colors, but can I get an amen for my eyebrows looking darn good in each of them?!?

And lastly,  I will leave you with a dose of Awwwww......

So -- till next time my friend!


Thursday, May 12, 2016

Picture Overload!!!!!

Hey Guys!!!!!!  I know, I know...... 5 months since my last post is ridiculous, and I'm sorry!  Life has been whirling and spinning and I honestly do not know where the last 5 months have gone. So. Today's post will be to update you a bit, and of coarse, share lots and lots of pictures!

I really don't have a lot of outfit pictures in this post,  I haven't gotten a full length mirror yet and most mornings I'm scrambling out the door and don't have time to set up my timer on my phone for a posed photo.  I'll try and get better about that ;-)

This post will mainly be a catch-up on life in general, lots of cool makeup pics (since I have found a lot of cool new products, and learned some new techniques) and of course my babies.

So,  what all has happened since my last post.

-We are in our home,  and have been now for 6 months (crazy, right??)  Still working on some minor decorating (mainly guest room left) and organizing (mainly office left).

-We adopted (2) more dogs to our family.  Bing and Ube are older Schipperkes who belonged to a good friend for most of their lives.  This friend moved out of the country and couldn't take the boys with him,  so they came to live with us!  They love spending time outside in our fully fenced backyard sunning themselves, barking at the horses and barn cats, or just watching the world go by. They enjoy coming inside to curl up and relax with chews a plenty.



-We also adopted a 3rd house cat (don't look at me like that.....  Cat's are easy!)  This is June Bug,  birthday is February 2, 2016.  She is a little bundle of energy that Xena promptly claimed as her baby. Junie has livened up our other two kitties, and is the life of the party.

-I'm again breeding my horses,  so far I have 2 confirmed in foal and am trying for a 3rd.

Mattie (Skippin On Deuce) will be my first to go,  she is due January 20th and I'm so excited!!!

Dolly (Doxsinsationalsox) will be my 2nd to go -- she is due February 6th.  Dolly is bred to my black AQHA Stallion,  Classic Lights Out.  This will be my stallion's first foal -- I can't wait to see what these two produce.

-The kiddo (2 legged)  got a 4 wheeler for Christmas, so he has spent a lot of time outside zipping around the farm on it.  Here his is proudly showing off his muddiness after the most recent rain storm we had (shower was taken immediately after):

-Is it sad that in 5 months I only have one Outfit pic to show you??  I know....  It really is.  I have on my to-do list another trip to Ikea to pick out a new full length mirror.  I found several I liked the last time Hubby and I were there,  but they were out of the one I really liked.  I want one that we can hang on the back of a door,  but I want it big enough to take up most of the door.....  I'm leaning towards this one,  but need to go look again just to be sure!

---> Here is my one, lonely OOTD picture. I was pretty happy with this outfit!

-OK,  Here are the multitude of FOTD pics I have.  I have recently developed an obsession with Beauty Bakerie "Brownies" -- for eyebrows,  NYX glitter for use over otherwise boring eye shadows, Tarte Rainforst liquid foundation, and a vast assortment of liquid lippies including, but not limited to, ABH, NYX, Colour Pop & Black Moon Cosmetics.  If you have any questions about products used in any of these,  drop me a comment and I'll answer you!

***And lastly,  a final Country Girl Selfie,  complete with Photo-bomber -- Tender!

That's all for now!!!!  Take care, and I'll be talking to you soon!